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Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь - creole


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Перевод с английского языка creole на русский

креол, креолка В штате Луизиана так называют жителя французского происхождения, родившегося на территории штата. Ср. creole CREOLE креол, креолка Лицо смешанного креольско-негритянского происхождения, обычно говорит на одном из диалектов французского языка. Ср. Creole
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См. в других словарях

  1. креол; креолка 2. креолизированный язык 3. ам. тяжелая рабочая обувь 4. креольский, относящийся к креолам или креольскому диалекту Creole village —- креольская деревня Creole cooking —- креольская кухня 5. под креольским соусом, приготовленный с соусом из помидоров, перца, лука с острыми приправами shrimp Creole —- креветки по-креольски Id: the C. State —- амер. "Креольский штат" (шутливое название штата Луизиана) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun креол; креолка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a a descendant of European (esp. Spanish) settlers in the W. Indies or Central or S. America. b a White descendant of French settlers in the southern US. c a person of mixed European and Black descent. 2 a language formed from the contact of a European language (esp. English, French, or Portuguese) with another (esp. African) language. --adj. 1 of or relating to a Creole or Creoles. 2 (usu. creole) of Creole origin or production (creole cooking). Etymology: F cr{eacute}ole, criole f. Sp. criollo, prob. f. Port. crioulo home-born slave f. criar breed f. L creare CREATE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: French creole, from Spanish criollo, from Portuguese crioulo white person born in the colonies  Date: 1737  1. a person of European descent born especially in the West Indies or Spanish America  2. a white person descended from early French or Spanish settlers of the United States Gulf states and preserving their speech and culture  3. a person of mixed French or Spanish and black descent speaking a dialect of French or Spanish  4.  a. a language evolved from pidginized French that is spoken by blacks in southern Louisiana  b. Haitian  c. not capitalized a language that has evolved from a pidgin but serves as the native language of a speech community CREOLE  adjective  Date: 1737  1. often capitalized of or relating to Creoles or their language  2. often capitalized relating to or being highly seasoned food typically prepared with rice, okra, tomatoes, and peppers shrimp ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  see creole CREOLE also Creole (creoles) 1. A creole is a language that has developed from a mixture of different languages and has become the main language in a particular place. She begins speaking in the Creole of Haiti. ...French Creole. = patois N-VAR 2. A Creole is a person of mixed African and European race, who lives in the West Indies and speaks a creole language. N-COUNT 3. A Creole is a person descended from the Europeans who first settled in the West Indies or the southern United States of America. N-COUNT 4. Creole means belonging to or relating to the Creole community. Coconut Rice Balls is a Creole dish. ADJ: usu ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a language that is a combination of a European language with one or more other languages  (- compare pidgin) 2 someone descended from both Europeans and Africans 3 a white person born in the West Indies or parts of Spanish America, or descended from the original French settlers in the southern US 4 food prepared in the hot strong-tasting style of the southern US  (shrimp creole) - creole adj ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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